Thursday, October 7, 2010

Desert trip

How to prepare a desert trip

Going on a desert trip is very common in the UAE. It might be dangerous if you don't know how to prepare for it. Below I'll outline the steps to prepare for a nice desert trip and avoid the danger.

First, it's important to make sure that your car is working properly and it doesn't have problems; for example, it should have good tires, lights and of course enough petrol. Second, you should choose a day with good weather, not too hot or too cold, just good weather so you can enjoy the trip. After that, you must prepare with enough food and drinks, if there are many people on the trip you must get enough food for them. Finally , you need someone who goes on the trip and knows how to use the equipment; you need to know how to drive in the desert and also how to prepare a barbecue.

In sum, if you follow these steps you will have a very nice desert trip and you will enjoy it; also you will avoid the mistakes and dangers.

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