Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Problem solution ( water shortages )

Water is the most important element of life, because people, animals and plant can't live without it. In the UAE, we suffer from water shortages, so we must find out the reasons that led to this problem and the appropriate solutions.

The UAE faces water shortages because of many reasons; for example, the UAE is a desert country, so the weather there is very hot so people use more water to get cold, Also because of the desert the UAE faces a lack of rain. Another problem that causes water shortages is that the population is increasing and when the population increases the need of water increases. Yet another problem is the life style in the UAE; for example, in the past life was simple and people lived in small houses, but now everything has changed. People have become richer and houses become bigger and the awareness of the importance of water becomes less than in the past, so people use more than they need. Also water pollution is a big problem in the UAE, because some factories throw their waste in inappropriate places

In order to face this problem and not underestimate it, we have to think about solutions and those solutions must be reasonable. For example the UAE government should increase people's awareness of the importance of the water, and that can be done through educating the students in schools and colleges by lectures; also through the media by publishing the proper way to use the water. Also the government should watch the factories and make sure that they don't throw the waste in inappropriate places, to reduce water pollution.

In conclusion, I think that the best solution to this problem is to raise the awareness of the importance of water by the education

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