Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Population Growth

The population is growing rapidly in all of the world; countries all over the world are divided into two classes; the less developed countries and the more developed countries. In this essay I will explan the world population growth graph between 1750 to 2150.

The graph shows us that less developed countries have a bigger population growth; by seeing the graph we can say that the population was relatively stable between 1750 and 1900, when it was less than 1 billion, and the population in less developed countries was 4 times more than more developed countries. By 2000, the population of the world become about 6.1 billion; 1 billion are in developed countries, the rest are in less developed countries. By 2150, The United Nations estimates that the population will be over 10 billion in the world, but it will still only about 1 billion in the more developed countries.

We can notice throwgh watching this graph, that the population will grow and increase dramatically to 2150, but this increase is mainly in the less developed countries

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