Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Population Growth

The population is growing rapidly in all of the world; countries all over the world are divided into two classes; the less developed countries and the more developed countries. In this essay I will explan the world population growth graph between 1750 to 2150.

The graph shows us that less developed countries have a bigger population growth; by seeing the graph we can say that the population was relatively stable between 1750 and 1900, when it was less than 1 billion, and the population in less developed countries was 4 times more than more developed countries. By 2000, the population of the world become about 6.1 billion; 1 billion are in developed countries, the rest are in less developed countries. By 2150, The United Nations estimates that the population will be over 10 billion in the world, but it will still only about 1 billion in the more developed countries.

We can notice throwgh watching this graph, that the population will grow and increase dramatically to 2150, but this increase is mainly in the less developed countries

Monday, April 18, 2011

Traffic congestion

Like many cities worldwide Abu Dhabi suffer from traffic congestion and parking problems. In this essay I will write what are the causes and the possible solutions to the problem.

Abu Dhabi traffic congestion cames from manu reasons; one of the reasons is that the population is growing rapidly compared to the past; for example the number of local citizens has doubled or tripled; also the are a lot of people who come to Abu Dhabi to work, and most of them have their own cars. Another reason is the economic develpoment in Abu Dhabi, which leads to construction works in the streets of the city center, so many roads are closed and many cars share the same streets, Also we suffer from heavy slow trucks which work in the construction areas, and all this cause huge traffic congestion. Yet another reason is that people in Abu Dhabi get richer and cars are not very expensive; also we have cheap petrol, so people usually have more than one car, and this leads to serious problems in parking, because Abu Dhabi suffer from lack of parking. Also in Abu Dhabi there are a lot of traffic accidents, which leads to overcrowding, and that because of many young drivers who dont have the experience in driving.

To overcome these problems, there are many possible solutions, one of these solutions is to develop and improve existrip roads and create bridge and tunnels to reduce the traffic congestion and expand the roads. Also to improve public transport and give it a more modren look and encourage people to use it instead of using their own cars. And the solution to lack of parking is to make it paid parking, and that was successful in many places like for example Zayed Shopping Center, also to make underground parking in all buildings in Abu Dhabi.

In conclusion, I think that the most viable solution is to improve existing roads and expand the roads, by creating bridges and underground tunnels.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Problem solution ( water shortages )

Water is the most important element of life, because people, animals and plant can't live without it. In the UAE, we suffer from water shortages, so we must find out the reasons that led to this problem and the appropriate solutions.

The UAE faces water shortages because of many reasons; for example, the UAE is a desert country, so the weather there is very hot so people use more water to get cold, Also because of the desert the UAE faces a lack of rain. Another problem that causes water shortages is that the population is increasing and when the population increases the need of water increases. Yet another problem is the life style in the UAE; for example, in the past life was simple and people lived in small houses, but now everything has changed. People have become richer and houses become bigger and the awareness of the importance of water becomes less than in the past, so people use more than they need. Also water pollution is a big problem in the UAE, because some factories throw their waste in inappropriate places

In order to face this problem and not underestimate it, we have to think about solutions and those solutions must be reasonable. For example the UAE government should increase people's awareness of the importance of the water, and that can be done through educating the students in schools and colleges by lectures; also through the media by publishing the proper way to use the water. Also the government should watch the factories and make sure that they don't throw the waste in inappropriate places, to reduce water pollution.

In conclusion, I think that the best solution to this problem is to raise the awareness of the importance of water by the education

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


1. non-stop a. continuous
2 protestors b. demonstrators
3. cease c. stop
4. weep d. cry
5. paraded e. showed off
6. serious f. grave
7. deposed g. ousted
8. velocity h. speed
9. address i. statement
10. erupting j. breaking out


In this graph we can see the top ten date-producing countries on 2001, the graph shows us that the ten countries are in the gulf region and northeren Africa.

First, Egypt took the loins share of producation with over a million tonnes, but Iran is a close second with almost 0.9 million. Foillowing them came the UAE and Saudi Arabia, rival each other with 740000 tonnes each. then Pakistan and Iraq. with outputs of approximately 630000 were not far ahead. we can notice that Algeria supplied the world with nearly 400000 tonnes and Oman around a half million. Incontrat, harvests in Oman and countries in northern Africa are far more plentiful. Finaly, Sudan's and Libya's crops yielded under 0.2 million each.
Overall, Egypt and Iran account to the majority of goods whilst Sudan and Libya are in the minority, the rest nations, however, were far less productive.

In summary, date production is the most abundant in Egypt and Iraq

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The UK budget

Every government deals with money in a different way. In this pie chart we will see the UK budget in 1996.

First, let us start with the biggest segment. We will notice that the UK government spent a lot of money on social security which is £ 100 billion and we will see that the government spent on it more than what it spent on education, defense, and industry together, because the government spent around £ 38 billion on education and £ 22 billion on defence and £ 13 billion on industry, so if we add the three sections together the social security is much more. The pie chart also shows us that the government spent around £ 53 billion on the health and personal social services which is nice in my opinion. Also you can see that the transport takes £ 9 billion and £ 17 billion for law and order. Finally, the housing and environment takes £ 15 billion and the government spent around £ 25 billion on debt interest and £ 23 billion in other expenditure.

In conclusion the total UK budget is £ 315 billion. In my opinion, I think that the government must spend more money on employment.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How to make Butter

Butter is loved by a lot of people, and it’s also a very beneficial thing to the humans; we usually buy it from the stores but if we want to make it there are steps to make it; in this essay I will write these steps

First of all, we have to check the milk of course fresh milk, for quality and fat content.After that we leave the milk and wait until it cools. Second separate the cream from the cold milk and churn the cream. After that dry the buttermilk from the butter; after this take the butter and place it in a jar and wash the butter with cold water , because we want to remove the remaining buttermilk. Third, we have to add a small amount of salt to get a flavor. Finally, after doing all that we must cut and wrap the butter and store the butter in a fridge to make it cold.

In sum, if you follow these steps you will have tasty butter, and you will not have to buy it from the stores anymore